Brainobrain Advanced Abacus Skill Development Program | India


Skill Development Programme
4-14 yr Kids

      >> LITTLE BOBS a novel program for our Kindergarten children - 4 to 6 yrs !

Brainobrain – Empowering Young Geniuses Worldwide


Brainobrain uses abacus and number as a tool to hone the potentials of a child’s brain, through regular and constant practice. A child who joins Brainobrain learns to sharpen their brain skills, by making the best use of both the sides of their brain. Brainobrain’s compelling syllabus and ever-motivating teachers set the right stage for each of our children. Brainobrain helps a child to identify the real talent and uniqueness of themselves, which in turn will boost their brain-powers, paving way to an improved self-confidence and better personality.


Brainobrain has Centres in 34 countries round the globe. To know your nearest Centre, post your enquiry HERE

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