Brainobrain Advanced Abacus Skill Development Program | India


Skill Development Programme
4-14 yr Kids

      >> LITTLE BOBS a novel program for our Kindergarten children - 4 to 6 yrs !

Brainobrain transformed my sons!

"My child goes for abacus classes. I see a lot of improvement in him." I have heard a lot of these comments from friends around. But I didn't know how much impact it would create on my child! I decided to enroll my 8 year old son for abacus with my nearest Brainobrain Centre.

After almost 4 years of joining Brainobrain abacus course, I can now confidently say that his concentration, listening skills and memory has immensely improved. His transformation from a timid boy to a confident young adult is visible. I can definitely see him as an independent individual with a structured thought process. The syllabus of Brainobrain truly has a comprehensive approach. Now both my sons attend Brainobrain online classes.

Heartfelt gratitude to all the faculty members.


Mrs Liz

Mother of Naethan & Ethan